News & Gigs
What’s New!
Julius Margolin died on August 24, 2009 at the age of 93. He did not want for love, friends
or appreciation in his final battle against the leukemia and cancer he’d fought for so long.
Thanks to everyone for their love and support.
We come from the labor/folk tradition, and have sung for unions, churches,
peace and justice groups, bars and coffeehouses, and veterans’ and nursing homes since 1999.
We hoped to keep singing for many more years, at least until Julius hit 100.
But now it’s just me and I will carry on the story of Julius’ life and spirit.

George’s new CD “This Chain” was released in October, 2023! A new project is in the works for release in August, 2024 and George will be touring as much as possible, see gigs below!
There are links for online listening and purchase on the home page.
Our CDs/DVD can be bought for $18 each or any two for $30 (includes postage). BTW, that deal extends to any 3 CDs for $40, 4 for $50, etc. Send a check/money order to:
George Mann, PO Box 435, Ithaca, NY 14851.
International orders, please add $15 US for airmail.
We can also mail CDs as gifts, just send the info with your order! The cheapest way is directly from us by mail or through our online store: and we use Paypal for secure transactions.
If you are press or radio and want a “review” or airplay copy,
George travels as much as time, health and economics allow.
Available as a solo act or with other musicians if funds allow! He plays everything from union rallies to cafes, churches and private house parties. If you want George to come to your town, it’s as easy as asking.