Credits and Links



George here….

This is the page where I get to thank and point you in the direction of some great people. I’ll be adding more links in the future, so stop back!

First off, Robert Ellis is not just a talented website designer, he has busted his butt to get this site operational and give me what I wanted to share with you, our visitors. Check his work out a

Thanks also to Danny Glasner, who built the site, and to Doug Calvin for helping out on that website also.

Here are some links to special people and organizations in my life:

Anne Feeney:

Anne was one of the first artists in the labor/folk world I met who believed in me and what I was trying to do, over ten years ago, when I was just starting to write “labor” songs. She is a wonderful singer and especially talented songwriter, though she also promotes the work of so many other artists by singing and recording their songs.


Chris Chandler:

Chris is a poet/songwriter/videographer extraordinaire. He has worked with many other musicians over his career, including Anne Feeney, and he also created the video for my song “I Remember Winter,” which can be viewed elsewhere on this site and at Check out this great artist!


Labor Heritage Foundation:

The LHF promotes and distributes labor cultural works, primarily music and CDs but also books, films, poetry, etc. They also produce the Great Labor Arts Exchange, an annual gathering of labor artists held in June each year at the National Labor College in Silver Spring, Maryland; this is where I met Julius in 1996! Check out their catalog of music and films and other showcases of labor cultural works on the website!


Utah Phillips:

Utah Phillips died on May 23, 2008. He was not just a legendary singer, songwriter and storyteller; he was one of the most generous spirits I’ve ever encountered… nourishing and encouraging younger artists while keeping alive the stories and songs of our working people and unions. He was extremely kind to Julius and me over the years, a great friend and inspiration. Please visit his site and check out his many albums.


Roy Zimmerman:

I met Roy about a year ago and have done a few gigs with him on the west coast. He is one of the most brilliant political satirists I have ever heard of or had the pleasure of meeting. Check out his music and videos—this man cuts everyone in the Bush administration down to size!


Joe Jencks:
Joe is a fine singer-songwriter with a background in choral singing and a voice that is clear and powerful. He has sung on a number of songs that Julius and I have recorded over the years and he sang beautifully on the songs “Lonely Old Room, “Rest, Papa Rest” and “Pray for Me” on my new CD “Into the Fire.” Joe travels and gigs extensively throughout the country, so check out his website for upcoming concerts in your area and his CDs.