PDF Download of the full album lyrics

Click on the blue box to read lyrics, right-click to save

Click on the link to hear audio samples of the songs from the new CD at https://georgemann.hearnow.com

Listen to sample songs

Videos for “A World Like This”

George has made videos for “A World Like This” CD. Click on the links below to check them out!

“A World Like This” Premiere

George was interviewed by David Bean on KSQD in Santa Cruz, California.
This is the 14-minute interview followed by four songs from the new CD “A World Like This”:


The Ballad of Julie M.

Here is a video for “The Ballad of Julie M.” George’s song about Julius Margolin, his longtime singer partner:


George Mann on the “Paradigms” Podcast

George was featured on the “Paradigms” podcast, which focuses on songwriters, and host Baruch Zeichner
covered both “The Coronavirus Sessions” and “A World Like This” with songs from both CDs in this program.
Click on the box to go to the Paradigms website and listen to the podcast:


 Here is a link to George’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/georgemannIWW